Your Say On Our Sensory Rooms at Redbank House

Our sensory rooms are available from 10.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday, for a one hour slot. We have around 250 users per month; some have been attending for up to 15 years too! We asked our users what makes the Sensurround experience special to them.
Trevor Rimmer attends weekly and has done so for a couple of years now. When we asked his carer what he liked most about the rooms she said, “He loves to relax. Sensurround gives him the chance to unwind and chill out without being disturbed.” Trevor listens to classical music during his relaxing sensory sessions.
“Trevor loves the range of tactile equipment and especially the waterbed.”
Trevor enjoying the water bed
Mark Wild has been attending the Sensurround rooms for around 4 years. His favourite part of the experience is the aquatic screen we have & the relaxing music. Patricia, his carer, told us that,
Although he is a very calm person, he thoroughly enjoys the experience and the rooms have lots of benefits for him.
One of our service users has autism and challenging behaviour. When we asked Jannie, his carer, what she thought of the multi-sensory rooms she said: “They’re an excellent place for someone with autism as there are a range of sensory equipment”.
Our sensory rooms are a unique place for users to disengage with the busy outside world
It becomes a place where users can safely explore and relax. The rooms allow users to engage with the room as much as they wish, optional lighting and music of their choosing the sensory environment at Redbank House is extremely beneficial.
“Sensory rooms are well worth it, it is always worth a try as you might not be aware of the vast amount of equipment available to you!” – Patricia
“These rooms are fantastic, I would especially recommend to schools, playgroups and baby classes” – Angela
“Come and have a look, you need to try the rooms with each users to see what facilities there are!” – Trevor’s carer
For more information on our sensory rooms please visit our website: