Top Tips When You’re Looking for the Perfect Office Space

Are you looking for the perfect office space? Here at Redbank House we present you with a perfect blank canvas for you to develop your business. The offices are fully services and rent is inclusive of all facilities and reception services.
The office space provides a high level of flexibility which gives businesses fantastic opportunities to develop and grow. The space could provide you with access to the wider community through our contacts and events. These new contacts could lead to you built long term business relationships and collaboration with other resident businesses at Redbank House leading to excellent business opportunities. Below we share our top tips when looking for the perfect office space.
Work out what you want
Whether you are just starting up your business or you are just looking for new opportunities in a new location. You will need to work out what you’d like to get from your accommodation, do you want flexibility and long term agreement or do you want to rent on a monthly basis. Once you know the basics of what you want it will be a lot easier to find when you narrow down your search.
Be considerate of your employees
You want to be communicating with you employees about the possible move. Coming up with a central location is the most important consideration; this will greatly benefit the business too! If you find somewhere that is easily accessible for everyone, you’ll end up keeping your employees and you might even find some exciting new talent in the new area.
Find a space that will benefit your business
You want to find a space that will allow your business to grow, whether it’s the option of hiring out more space or sharing a building with similar businesses. This may lead to exciting business opportunities and help you develop your customer base.
Decide where you want to be
When it comes to choosing your first business home or relocation. Location is extremely important; you want to be somewhere with central transport links and if you are located near hotels it makes things a lot easier for clients and business partners that might travel from further distance.
Get everyone involved
Running along the same lines of being considerate of your employees, getting them to help you look along the way if you’re a small business. Even having your employees come along to the viewings is a good idea, it will show your employees that you value them and their opinions too.
Take a look
Get out there and see what is suitable for you. Your ideal office space could be just around the corner, you just need to pop in for a viewing and it can really change your perspective and show you what you really want.
Get in touch with us
This is an ideal location for businesses wanting to expand and have exciting new opportunities! For further information contact us on: 0161 214 5959 or email: